We Build Ass Kickers
A workout consists of random exercises strung together with no rhyme or reason. It might be hard…you might get sore…but have you improved?
A program is a plan consisting of systematic progressions designed to improve performance with measurable results.
We don't workout, we program!
Get results - FAST
375 Clean +100lbs
600 Squat +100lbs
415 Bench +30lbs
30" Vert +3"
242 bodyweight
Gained +15lbs muscle
with 14lbs fat loss
You don’t have to be a professional athlete
to train like one.
500 Squat +80lbs
350 Bench +35lbs
36" Vert +5"
206 bodyweight
Lost -3 lbs fat
Chris McConnell
MMA Fighter, 10th Planet Brown Belt
“For a decade I was doing workout plans that took hours in the gym and left me with minimal gains and maximum soreness. The TPP program has not only changed my physique but also the way I think about training. The results and gains are absurd in only a fraction of the time. I wish I found them sooner.”
Will Carano
Iowa Wrestling
John Degl's Empire Wrestling Academy
127 career high school wins,
"Strength training is vital for success on the mat. The TPP programs are awesome. There are options to substitute exercises that allow me to continue to build strength regardless of my caloric intake. I also like all the kb complexes for when I need extra conditioning or to burn calories."
Tre'ston Vines
Professional MMA Fighter
BJJ Coach, Brown Belt
Computer Nerd
"My strength and conditioning is thru the roof training with TPP. I got more results in less time than any other program I've tried.
VICTORY will be mine!"
Shane Mills
Professional Coach
American Killer Bee's Muay Thai, BJJ & Boxing Coach
Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu black belt under Israel Gomes.
"If you want to dominate and be the best - train with TPP!"
Eric Wilson
"There is nothing better than getting jacked while improving your athletic ability. Once you try it you will not go anywhere else. TPP, in my opinion, is the best strength coach in the nation and will transform you into an ass kicking machine! Learn to tap into your inner beast.
The results speak for themselves!
- Squat 615
- Clean 365
- Bench 385
- Incline 365
- Vert 36.5”
- 40 yard 4.46 sec
Dr. Beau Pierce
Pierce Chiropractic and Sports Medicine
"As a sports chiropractor and former professional athlete, I know the demand both physically and mentally that is needed to compete at the highest level. I have seen firsthand the impact that proper training and nutrition can have on athletic performance.
The TPP app has been a game-changer for me, providing tailored workouts to improve power, strength, and stamina at the same time. I particularly appreciate the emphasis on proper technique, which can help reduce the risk of injury.
You Get Access to:
ALL Programs
Individualized and Customizable Plans
100 Days of CORE
Over 200 Kettlebell Complex
and more!