Our Team

Our coaching staff has decades of experience building winners. We have trained over 20,000 athletes at numerous Division I Universities in the ACC, BIG TEN and BIG TWELVE conferences.  Over 200 athletes have gone onto professional careers in the NFL, NBA & MLB. 

We have worked with Olympians, including Gold Medalists, BJJ, MMA, and professional strongmen prior to moving into Tactical Area.  Our staff has been embedded in military units for over a decade, increasing the lethality and durability of our nation's warriors.     

Education is important to us.  All of our staff have Advanced Degrees and certifications.  We are always learning and improving our craft in order to give you the best experience possible. We want to bring our training knowledge to you. 


Amateurs try to do it themselves.

Professionals hire coaches!


-one who instructs athletes in the fundamentals of a sport and directs strategy
-assist athletes in developing to their full potentia
- a teacher, educator, mentor

Anyone can call themselves a coach. A personal training certificate is easy to get. Some facilities just require a "certificate" from an online course While a certificate allows the company to say every coach is "certified", that requirement is for the business' marketing and liability protection, not for the health and welfare of the athlete.

The field of strength and conditioning has been watered down. You cannot cram five, ten or twenty years of experience into a weekend lecture. Would you hire a doctor with only one weekend of surgical experience and allow them to operate on you? Then why do you automatically trust a "trainer or coach" with minimal experience and education?

There are plenty of “coaches” who have the academic background of bachelors, masters and even PhD’s who just can’t get it done outside the classroom. While these coaches understand the theories behind strength training, they do not know how to apply their knowledge in a practical setting.

Many coaches are former athletes. They were the strongest on the team and had great genetics. Does that make them a great coach? Do they really understand the science? Do they know Anatomy, Physiology, Biomechanics, and Psychology?

Coaching is both an art and a skill

Just because you were the strongest or smartest does not make you the best in your field. As with any profession, does your coach continue to educate themselves with the latest scientific research and literature? The field of strength and conditioning has grown exponentially in the last ten years. The research going on today is incredible. A true coach can apply new theories to continually make their programs better.


Evalutate Your Coach:
Do they lift weights? 

Have they done their program?
Do they "work the floor", actively coaching or sit in the office?
Have they ever worked with anyone at your skill level?
Do they continue to educate themselves?  
Has their program changed over the years?
Do they adapt to their environment and population?
Do they teach and educate - tell you the why?
Do they have alot of injuries in the weight room?
Do they get results?

Why go it alone?

Our individualized programs allow you maximize your athletic potential while decreasing your chance of injury. 

Top Pressure Performance will get you there, faster!

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We not only teach it; we live it!

We want you to be as excited about training as we are! Having the right tools at your fingertips is your first step.

We are Top Pressure Performance because we believe your body can do more than you think it can.

We believe in your ability to work harder and train smarter.

We know you will achieve your fitness goals by training the TPP way.

We know our stuff. Our methodology combines the latest scientific research with our decades of experience making the best athletes better.

Our coaching staff have decades of experience training all levels of athletes. This includes Division I, NFL, NBA, MLB, Olympic Gold Medalists, BJJ, MMA, and tactical athletes. We also have work with the average person who wants to learn the proper way to train. We want to bring that training knowledge to you.

 You don't have to be a professional athlete to train like one!

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-New to weight lifting?    Unsure of proper technique? 

-Don't know your max numbers?  Need extra base work?

Learn While You Train

The Intro to Training Program is the HOW TO for those with a minimal training background. You will learn about workout pace and program structure with our easy to understand directions.

This step by step approach will start your technical development and will help estimate your training numbers for our algorithm.

This is a great place to start for new lifters

Experience what strength coaches call periodization: how we cycle the volume, intensity and tonnage over the course of the 6 week program.

Simple progressions yield BIG RESULTS!

Watch as your body starts to change as you experience the metabolic effects of training using the TPP methodology.


- Build a strong foundation

Endurance isn’t just for running.

Strength is great, but can you maintain your strength over time?


Get aggressive with your training as you learn to attack the workout.  

Your work capacity will explode during this movement based program.

Single leg strength via Triphasic Split Squats and Step Up variations with an endurance component. .  

Introduction to Kettlebells & basic Snatch technique variations.  


Having completed the other Foundation programs you now have the necessary core and posterior chain strength to handle the training load




Two million years ago the MEGALADON, a predator shark larger than a city bus, terror of the ancient seas, went extinct.


"In fighting, in evolution, in life, its not the most powerful animal that survives, it is the most efficient." ---Georges St-Pierre

Build movement efficiency focusing on single leg strength/leg drive movements and work capacity via kettlebell/db complexes

Develop Strength and power at the same time w the introduction of Post-Activation Potentiation - a loaded compound movement followed by an explosive, plyometric-based movement with the goal of improving power.

Learn body control and snatch technique development.


Power Endurance

Single Leg Strength via Single Leg Squat Variations

Strength is the foundation for all movement